
Harewood Downs Golf Club

Dress Code

at Harewood Downs


We ask that all golfers wear smart, appropriate and recognisable golfing attire. Golf shoes must always be worn and should only be changed in the locker rooms, not in the car park. Headgear must be worn correctly, ie. peaks facing forward.

For men, shirts must have a collar and sleeves, or be of recognisable golf design, and tucked in at the waist (other than for a medical condition only). Tailored trousers or appropriate length tailored shorts must be worn along with socks of any colour or length.  Women may wear recognised golf tops or a polo-type shirt with collar. Shirts may be sleeveless and may be untucked if they are designed to be worn that way. Golf dresses, trousers, shorts and skorts of an appropriate length are all acceptable with socks of any colour or length.

Unacceptable clothing on the course Trainers, denim, track suits, vests, football kit (or other sports kits), cargo shorts/trousers, beachwear, non-golf attire tee shirts, leggings and tops designed for running/gym (e.g., racer back style), trousers tucked into socks, gaiters.


We have a “smart casual” dress code, including golf attire, in all areas except when a function dictates otherwise. We insist that soft-spiked golf shoes are clean before entering the clubhouse. Metal-spiked golf shoes are not permitted inside. Women are permitted to wear sandals without socks, but men may only do so on the patio, not in the clubhouse. Golf headgear may be worn (with peaks facing forward) on the patio but not in the clubhouse.

Unacceptable clothing in the clubhouse/on the patio Ripped or faded jeans, track suits, vests, football kit (or other sports kits), tee shirts with large brand logos, cargo shorts, beachwear, sliders, plastic flip flops, wet or dirty clothing.

Failure to observe minimum expectations, both on and off the course, may result in you not being allowed to play or being asked to leave the clubhouse or premises. As a private members’ club, we do consider that such failures demonstrate a lack of respect and courtesy to the Club and to it’s members. It is also very unfair to place our staff in difficult situations where they are expected to enforce the rules. If you advise a fellow member that you consider that they are not complying with the rules please do so politely and with respect. Members are responsible for their guests. The General Manager, Staff and Professionals have the authority to challenge any person improperly or unsuitably dressed and their decision will not be open to negotiation or argument at that time. 

Mobile phones may be used on the course in the event of an emergency only.  Off the golf course calls may be made in the members entrance hall, the changing rooms and in the car park only. All audible ring or alert tones must be switched off at all times.

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T: 01494 762 184

Cokes Lane, Chalfont St Giles , Nr Amersham, Bucks HP8 4TA


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